- DNA Tests
- Drug & Alcohol Tests
- STD Tests
- Genetic Tests
- Consulting
- Lab on the chips
- Comprehensive Screening Tools
- APPs
- Software
Genetic and DNA tests
- Just 250 CAD with 10 day results – or 5 day results for 469 CAD
- Fast and most accurate paternity test
- Up to 42 DNA markers (loci) analysed – double the industry standard
- Award-winning UKAS accredited laboratory
- 100% accurate
- Only a simple cheek swab required – this can even be done on newborn babies
- Contact us and we’ll send you the kits right away and we’ll guide you from the start to the end
DNA Testing
Paternity testing
Non‑invasive prenatal genetic testing
Baby gender testing
Sibling testing
Maternity testing
Twin testing
Aunt testing
Uncle testing
Grandparent testing
Y chromosome testing
Single genetic profile testing
Ancestry testing
Nail DNA testing
Toothbrush DNA testing
Drug Testing
Hair drug testing
Oral fluid drug testing
Urine drug testing
Nail drug testing
Home drug test kit
Alcohol Testing
Breath alcohol testing
Blood alcohol testing
Hair alcohol testing
Nail alcohol testing
SCRAM Continuous Alcohol Monitoring®
Health Testing
STI Testing
Genetic Coeliac Disease Test
Genetic Lactose Intolerance Test
Trace Metal Testing
Genetic Testing
- DNA Tests
- Alcohol & Drug Tests
- Health Tests
- Allergy Tests
- Cytogenetic Tests
- Sequencing
AI Assays
- Next Generation Sequencing
- New Apps
- Screening Software
- Robots
Pharmaceutical Research
- Cancer Detection Kits
- Gene Therapy Boosts
- Drugs to Treat Genetic Abnormalities
Our Expertise
Being passionate to promote innovations related to new ideas in tele-genetics and AI based methods in tele-healthcare we are carrying out creative projects to make new products in tele-genetics for worldwide consumption.
01. Genetics & Pharmaceutical Research
Study of the newly discovered gene related to diabetes and obesity.
02. AI & Biotechnology
Manufacturing an state of the art robot to detect genetic risk factors.
03. Telegenetics & Public Science
Making home based genetic tests popular globally.
04. Industrial Activities
Manufacturing innovative industrial and medical products such as BioReactors for clean energy production, Multifunctional Dental Cleaning Device (EaseEsmile).
Latest Case Studies
Our latest projects are in bioinformatics and tele-genetic fields. We are carrying out joint projects with University of Toronto, University of Manitoba, AlphaBiolabs, and NovoBiomics Global company.
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